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SMBC ISO 20022 XML Schemas

Accessing the SMBC ISO 20022 XML Schemas

Click here to access our SWIFT MyStandards readiness portal.

Our XS2A API channel uses ISO 20022 XML formats (pain.001, pain.002, and camt.053). For TPPs to understand our schema requirements, and to support their testing, we have published our schemas on a 'SWIFT MyStandards Readiness Portal'. On our portal, TPPs can view our specific schema restrictions, download XSD files, and test their payloads against a schema validator.

A free account is required to access MyStandards (it is not required to be a member of a financial institution to create an account). Access to our portal is granted automatically as soon as it is requested.

Published schemas

The bank has published the following schemas:

  1. camt.053.001.02 (smbc-bank-to-customer-statement)
  2. pain.001.001.03 (smbc-sepa-credit-transfers)
  3. pain.001.001.03 (smbc-swift-transfers)
  4. pain.001.001.03 (smbc-internal-transfers)
  5. pain.001.001.03 (smbc-chaps-payments)
  6. pain.001.001.03 (smbc-faster-payments)
  7. pain.002.001.03 (smbc-pain.002-to-tpp-pre-jgps - used to report the status of a payment before it has been fully authorised. The status report will either advise that the payment has been schematically accepted and is awaiting authorisation from one or more PSUs, or it will advise that the payment will not be processed due to being cancelled or having expired before authorisations were completed)
  8. pain.002.001.03 (smbc-pain.002-to-tpp-accepted - used to report the status of a payment that has been schematically accepted, fully authorised, and has started or completed processing by the bank)
  9. pain.002.001.03 (smbc-pain.002-to-tpp-rejected - used to report the status of a payment that has been schematically accepted, fully authorised, but has been cancelled by the bank during processing. A reason code will be provided)

Need help?

Check our FAQs for common queries, otherwise please get in touch with our API support team to discuss your on-boarding.